Get Involved

Does this mission speak to your heart? We’d love to have you partner with us! There are several ways you can get involved with A Safe Place.


Ways You Can Get Involved

  • Pray – Pray for our ministry, our Board, our volunteers, and for those we serve.
  • Volunteer – Contact us to let us know your interests, and we will get back to you about the various service opportunities.
    NOTE:  Field Volunteers Currently Needed!  These volunteers engage directly with our homeless friends during the week, and training is provided.  Contact us and request details about what a Field Volunteer does.  We will send you a job description that includes a short application form. 
  • Donate – We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are eligible for tax deduction and/or credit.
    • Recurring donations help to ensure we can cover the ongoing costs involved with serving the homeless on a regular basis, and to move forward with the expansion of services.  Currently, we are encountering around 30-45 people/families each week and the numbers of homeless continue to grow.
    • Single donations are always welcome and will further help us expand our reach and grow our ability to provide additional services to those in need.
    • Donations can be made by credit card securely through our website, or by check mailed to our PO Box listed on this website.
    • Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Program  We are a qualified organization (QCO# 22459).  Your contributions may be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your personal AZ income tax return.  Refer to or consult with a tax advisor for further information.

How Your Donations Help

  • To serve the immediate and urgent needs of our homeless friends.  We purchase and maintain a standard inventory of items to provide as needed on a limited basis.  Typical needs are sleeping bags, blankets, tents, backpacks, washcloths and towels, toiletries for both men and women, non-perishable food and snack items, paper goods, bottled water, new socks and underwear, jackets, study materials and Bibles.
  • To fund the cost of vouchers that can be exchanged for laundry, showers, and clothing (especially important for those seeking jobs or actively employed).
  • To provide Blessing Bags to our volunteers to share anytime they encounter someone in need.  We assemble these bags with Bibles, basic toiletries and personal hygiene items as well as non-perishable food, snacks, and water.
  • To operate and maintain our van that allows us to go out and meet the homeless where they are – parks, parking lots, open lands in Prescott Valley and vicinity.  Our mobile ministry operates a 2012 van that was generously donated to A Safe Place in 2020.
  • To cover other necessary expenses such as office supplies, printing, and computer maintenance that are a part of what we do.  Currently, A Safe Place is staffed 100% by volunteers; no one receives any compensation from A Safe Place.
  • Fully realize the vision for A Safe Place through establishing the financial resources necessary to create and manage a physical place that provides additional services to meet the needs of the homeless.